Published inUX CollectiveBuild trust with these UX guidelinesHey guys! As promised in my previous article, which talks about if we can gain the user’s trust, today I am sharing with you guidelines on…Mar 16, 2019Mar 16, 2019
Published inUX CollectiveCan we gain the user’s trust for digital apps through UX design?Nowadays as designers we often design for digital products. These products are used by other people, also known as the users. When the…Mar 12, 2019Mar 12, 2019
Published inUX CollectiveWhat is trust and why is it important for digital products?Successful relationships require trust. Without trusting the other person, you cannot rely on someone, you won’t feel like you can count…Mar 2, 2019Mar 2, 2019
Moving to Barcelona for an IT internshipIn September 2016 I did it for the first time. After months of online research, considering several countries, talking to students who…Mar 30, 2018Mar 30, 2018